I am the one who has disappeared
And i'll reap my rewards
When you look through me
I know i'm the one who has disappeared
When i write my name no words appear
And in your heart i will appear
And when it's my turn i turn away
I am the one who has disappeared
This one's for forgiveness so they say
I'm that one
I am the one
Who has no name
I have no name
And i am the one who has disappeared
The way you look through me
I know i'm the one
Who has disappeared
1.A Cry for Love
3.Why I Stay
4.Tropics of Love
5.A Sign on the Road
6.The One Who Has Disappeared
7.Broken World
8.The End of Love
9.The Inviation
10.Did You Wonder
11.The Visitor
12.Sympathy Crime
13.Only One Way
14.The Waiter #4
15.Before the People