Oiseaux, after Poems by Saint-John Perse (French Version): No. 9, D'une parcelle à l'autre du temps partiel

1.Laconisme de l'aile, for Flute, after a text from Oiseaux by Saint-John Perse
2.Oiseaux, after Poems by Saint-John Perse (French Version): No. 1, L'oiseau, de tous nos consanguins
3.Oiseaux, after Poems by Saint-John Perse (French Version): No. 2, Les vieux naturalistes français
4.Oiseaux, after Poems by Saint-John Perse (French Version): No. 4, De ceux qui fréquentent l'altitude
5.Oiseaux, after Poems by Saint-John Perse (French Version): No. 10, Gratitude du vol !
6.Oiseaux, after Poems by Saint-John Perse (French Version): No. 13, Oiseaux, lances levées
7.Concerto for Flute and Orchestra "L'Aile du songe": No. 1, Aérienne (Prima pars) - Prélude
8.Concerto for Flute and Orchestra "L'Aile du songe": No. 3, Aérienne (Prima pars) - D'autres rives
9.Concerto for Flute and Orchestra "L'Aile du songe": No. 5, Terrestre (Seconda pars) - Oiseau, un satellite infime de notre orbite planétaire
10.Oiseaux, after Poems by Saint-John Perse (English Version): No. 1, The Bird, Most Ardent For Life
11.Oiseaux, after Poems by Saint-John Perse (English Version): No. 2, The Old French Naturalists
12.Oiseaux, after Poems by Saint-John Perse (English Version): No. 4, Of Those Who Haunt The Higher Air
13.Oiseaux, after Poems by Saint-John Perse (English Version): No. 9, From One Part Of Ever Partial Time To Another
14.Concerto for Flute and Orchestra "L'Aile du songe": Concerto for Flute and Orchestra "L'Aile du songe": No. 4, Terrestre (Seconda pars) - L'oiseau dansant
15.Oiseaux, after Poems by Saint-John Perse (French Version): No. 9, D'une parcelle à l'autre du temps partiel
16.Concerto for Flute and Orchestra "L'Aile du songe": No. 2, Aérienne (Prima pars) - Jardin des oiseaux
17.Oiseaux, after Poems by Saint-John Perse (English Version): No. 13, Birds, Lances Lifted
18.Oiseaux, after Poems by Saint-John Perse (English Version): No. 10, Gratitude Of Flight!