Toussaint Before the Spirits: "I Am The Tree Who Thrusts Up"

1.Toussaint Before the Spirits: "The Keys. We Have New Orders: I Go Alone"
2.Toussaint Before the Spirits: "Look! The Spirits Play With The Fire."
3.Toussaint Before the Spirits: "Is He Gone?"
4.Toussaint Before the Spirits: "Attibon Legba, Ouvri Barye Pou Mwen"
5.Toussaint Before the Spirits: "The Way Is Open."
6.Toussaint Before the Spirits: "The White Men Took My Eye In Battle"
7.Toussaint Before the Spirits: "Once We Saw Through The Same Eyes"
8.Toussaint Before the Spirits: "It Is True You Were Loayal To France!"
9.Toussaint Before the Spirits: "Ghede, Se Ghede Ou Ye"
10.Toussaint Before the Spirits: "I Serve The Spirit Of Harmony"
11.Toussaint Before the Spirits: "It Is Not Ezili Freda I Call"
12.Toussaint Before the Spirits: "Toussaint, In Your Head And Heart"
13.Toussaint Before the Spirits: "Toussaint, Stay Where You Are And Look"
14.Toussaint Before the Spirits: "The Spirit Of Rage Took You Too Far, Moyse"
15.Toussaint Before the Spirits: "Gran Bwa Is My Shadow"
16.Toussaint Before the Spirits: "I Am The Tree Who Thrusts Up" (Reprise)
17.Toussaint Before the Spirits: "They Cannot Cut Down The Tree Of Liberty"
18.Toussaint Before the Spirits: "I Am The Tree Who Thrusts Up"