The Consul:Act III Scene 2: Lo, Death's frontiers are open (Foreign Woman, Kofner, Anna Gomez, Vera Boronel, Mother, John, Secretary, Magician, Magda)

1.The Consul:Act I Scene 1: Tu reviendras et voudras m'enfermer dans tes bras (Voice on the Record, John, Magda, Mother)
2.The Consul:Act I Scene 2: Interlude
3.The Consul:Act II Scene 1: Interlude
4.The Consul:Act I Scene 1: Quick, John! The Police! (Magda, Mother, Secret Police Agent)
5.The Consul:Act I Scene 1: Don't move yet (Magda, Mother, John)
6.The Consul:Act I Scene 1: Now, O lips, say goodbye (Magda, John, Mother)
7.The Consul:Act I Scene 2: Next. Yes … What can I do for you? (Secretary, Kofner)
8.The Consul:Act I Scene 2: Next … Buon giorno (Secretary, Foreign Woman, Kofner)
9.The Consul:Act I Scene 2: Next … May I speak to the Consul? (Secretary, Magda)
10.The Consul:Act I Scene 2: In endless waiting rooms (Vera Boronel, Anna Gomez, Magda, Magician, Kofner)
11.The Consul:Act II Scene 1: What is the matter, little lamb? (Mother)
12.The Consul:Act II Scene 1: I shall find for you shells and stars (Mother)
13.The Consul:Act II Scene 1: Mother! Why are you so still, Mother! (Magda, Mother)
14.The Consul:Act II Scene 2: What did you say your name was? (Secretary, Anna Gomez, Vera Boronel, Kofner)
15.The Consul:Act II Scene 2: My charming ma'moiselle (Magician, Secretary, Anna Gomez, Vera Boronel, Kofner, Foreign Woman)
16.The Consul:Act III Scene 1: Don't be afraid, Mr. Sorel! (Secretary)
17.The Consul:Act III Scene 2: Mother, John, wait (Magda, Mother, John, Magician, Chorus)
18.The Consul:Act II Scene 1: John, John, why did you bring me … (Magda, Mother)
19.Amelia al ballo:Orchestral prelude
20.The Consul:Act III Scene 1: How often must I tell you, Mrs. Sorel (Secretary, Vera Boronel, Assan, Magda)
21.Amelia al ballo:Sono pronto! Dammi i fiori (Amelia, Friend, Maids)
22.The Consul:Act III Scene 2: I never meant to do this (Magda, Foreign Woman, Kofner, Anna Gomez, Vera Boronel, Mother, John, Secretary)
23.The Consul:Act III Scene 1: Who are you? How did you get in? (Secretary, John, Secret Police Agent)
24.The Consul:Act III Scene 1: Don't forget to sign (Secretary, Vera Boronel, Magda, Assan)
25.Amelia al ballo:Stringi! Allaccia, allacia! (Amelia, First Maid, Second Maid, Friend)
26.Amelia al ballo:Osi ancora negar? (Husband, Amelia)
27.The Consul:Act III Scene 1: Oh, those faces! All those faces! (Secretary)
28.The Consul:Act II Scene 2: To this we've come (Magda, Vera Boronel, Kofner, Secretary)
29.The Consul:Act III Scene 2: Lo, Death's frontiers are open (Foreign Woman, Kofner, Anna Gomez, Vera Boronel, Mother, John, Secretary, Magician, Magda)
30.Amelia al ballo:Non si va! Non si va! (Husband, Amelia)
31.Amelia al ballo:Amelia, Amelia! (Husband, Amelia)
32.Amelia al ballo:Il mio amante e quel signore (Amelia, Husband)
33.Amelia al ballo:Romanza: Vola intanto l'ora insonne (Amelia)
34.Amelia al ballo:Ebbene, si (Amelia, Husband)
35.The Consul:Act II Scene 2: Any news for me? (Magda, Secretary)
36.The Consul:Act II Scene 1: It is the signal! (Magda, Mother, Secret Police Agent, Assan)
37.Amelia al ballo:Amelia! Amelia! (Lover, Amelia)
38.Amelia al ballo:Duettino: No, no, no! Al ballo non andremo (Husband, Amelia)
39.Amelia al ballo:Duettino: La notte, la notte e troppo breve (Amelia, Friend)
40.Amelia al ballo:Romanza: Amelia cara (Husband)
41.Amelia al ballo:Che disdetta! (Amelia, Lover)
42.Amelia al ballo:Contro me non porta offesa (Amelia, Lover)
43.Amelia al ballo:Non l'ho pescato in tempo (Husband, Amelia)
44.Amelia al ballo:Ah! Cane, impara … (Husband, Amelia, Lover)
45.Amelia al ballo:Romanza: Fu di notte, come in sogno (Lover, Husband, Amelia)
46.Amelia al ballo:Terzetto: Chi puo saper (Amelia, Lover, Husband)
47.Amelia al ballo:Orchestral interlude - Che c'e? Che c'e? (Chorus)
48.Amelia al ballo:Gia capito (Chief of Police, Chorus, Amelia)
49.Amelia al ballo:Seduta alla specchiera (Amelia, Chorus, Chief of Police, Lover)
50.Amelia al ballo:Perche affligersi tanto? (Chief of Police, Amelia)
51.Amelia al ballo:Gioite, gioite, Amelia al ballo andra (Chorus)