Roque Dalton Songs: l. The Consolation of Soul Saving I

1.Waves Breaking on Rocks: I. The White Place
2.Waves Breaking on Rocks: II. Elegy for All of Us
3.Waves Breaking on Rocks: III. Summer, Again
4.Waves Breaking on Rocks: IV. A House in Island Bay / Waves Breaking on Rocks (1)
5.Waves Breaking on Rocks: V. Sierra Madre
6.Waves Breaking on Rocks: VI. Waves Breaking on Rocks (2) / Autumn (Again)
7.Roque Dalton Songs: l. The Consolation of Soul Saving I
8.Roque Dalton Songs: ll. The Consolation of Soul Saving II
9.Roque Dalton Songs: lll. Como la siempreviva
10.Roque Dalton Songs: lV. History of a Poetic
11.Roque Dalton Songs: V. Como Tú