Trio for Violin, Piano, Percussion: Movements 1 & 2

1.Trio for Violin, Piano, Percussion: Movements 1 & 2
2.Trio for Violin, Piano, Percussion: Movement 3
3.Greek Scene: Electra
4.Trio for Violin, Piano, Percussion: Piano cadenza, Movement 4
6.Trio for Violin, Piano, Percussion: Movement 5
7.Greek Scene: Prologue
8.Greek Scene: Clytemnestra
9.Crumble's Ballet
10.New York Times, August 30, 1964: The Blue Whale
11.New York Times, August 30, 1964: Science
12.New York Times, August 30, 1964: Politics
13.Greek Scene: Clytemnestra, Epilogue
14.New York Times, August 30, 1964: Civil Rights
15.Images for Brass: Second image
16.Images for Brass: First image
17.Images for Brass: Fourth and fifth iamges
18.Images for Brass: Third image