制作人 : Stephen Johns
指挥家 : Thomas Adès
女中音 : Susan Bickley
弦乐团 : City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
和声 : City of Birmingham Symphony Chorus
1.Les Baricades Mistérieuses
2.America:Part I Oh my nation prepare...
3.America:Part II Burn, burn, burn
4.The Fayrfax Carol
5.Fool's Rhymes:We're all in the dumps...
6.January Writ
7.The Lover in Winter:Iam nocet frigus teneris
8.O thou who didst with pitfall and with gin
9.The Lover in Winter:Modo frigescit quidquid est
10.Fool's Rhymes:Supernat'ral light...
11.The Lover in Winter:Nec limpha caret alveus
12.Life Story
13.The Lover in Winter:Nutritur ignis osculo