Chinese Folk Song Suite: Guest from afar, please stay awhile

1.Chinese Folk Song Suite: Women on patrol
2.Chinese Folksong Suite: A patch of willow trees
3.Chinese Folk Song Suite: Flower riddle
4.Chinese Folk Song Suite: Flying the kite
5.Chinese Folk Song Suite: Guest from afar, please stay awhile
6.Chinese Folk Song Suite: Dry load dance
7.Mozartiana Allegretto
8.Mozartiana Moderato
9.Mozartiana Andante
10.Mozartiana Quodlibet - Allegro
11.Symphony from the Old World (Dvorak in China) Allegro motto
12.Symphony from the Old World (Dvorak in China) Largo
13.Symphony from the Old World (Dvorak in China) Scherzo - motto vivace
14.Symphony from the Old World (Dvorak in China) Allegro con Cuoco