Un adiós sin razones
Unos años sin valor
如今姐来下棋 所以一个姐妹都将军不了她
Ain't no half-steppin', all I do is break records
身处无尽地狱 却依旧热泪盈眶
Now I play chess so a bitch can't check her
姐的人生如戏 只许卡子一人导演
Made a lot of hell and it's still getting hectic
只收现金 他们可是信用全无
And my life is a movie, only Cardi could direct it
必须得孤注一掷 所以我下赌注
Only take cash, they ain't never gave credit
从钢管舞女开始 可直至最后我也从未后悔
Had to risk it all in myself so I bet it
Started on the pole, in the end, don't regret it
They'll use the past against you if you let it
可姐重磅回归后 变得更强 就如男人一般威武雄壮
But I'm back and I'm better, got Henny on the line
我还有所剩的时间 可脑中却是无尽废料
Time that I had real shit on my mind
毕竟时钟是从我被签约那天 开始滴答
'Cause the clocks start ticking from the day I got signed
价值百万美金的手表 毕竟女人就得掌控时间
Million dollar watch 'cause a bitch got time
他们会告知与你 关于你的所有 可这却是无尽折磨
They'll tell you everything about me, but the grind
告诉你这有个火辣美女 其实是在说谎
Tell your there's a bitch this hot, then they lyin'
如果我要买流量 为何你不买
If I pay for the streams, why the **** you ain't buyin'?
何时那些人才会开始对我深表憎恨 他们只是开始不断说谎
When these hoes start hating, these hoes start lying
Años sin valor
为了舞台 我隆重着装 为了法庭衣着肃严
I got dressed for the stages, dressed for the court
为了丈夫而穿火辣衣裳 还告诉他“将衣服一并撕碎吧!”
Dressed for my husband, told him "Rip this shit off"
为了格莱美穿衣搭配 之后就能得奖
Got dressed for the GRAMMYs, then I left with awards
百万美金 就放在楼梯口
Hundred thousand dollars, just left on the floor
当我出席Met Gala 他们都为我痴狂
They was losin' they mind when I hit the Met Gala
面纱过长 这阻碍了之后的半小时
Veil so long, it checked thirty minutes after
After the tens, you can get to the laughter
预约后 还会前往下一场表演
After the bookings, on to the next show
我已达成我所渴望的目标 已达成目标:我还在此
Got goals that I want, got goals that I'm there
脖子上带着金链 手挎芬迪大包包
Gold on my neck that I froze in baguettes
更多暴露电影镜头 意味着更多大额支票
More movie sex mean more movie checks
毕竟姐住在大豪宅 我也生活毫无遗憾
'Cause I live in a mansion, I don't live in regrets
给家人们制定计划 让烤雀坐上喷气飞机(爱女心切的卡子呜呜呜)
Plans for the fam, got Kulture the jet
让我们投资 所以如今的文化已定
Told ? to invest, so the culture is set
说些废话 人们给我恐吓
Blam-blam-blam, nigga posin' a threat
从未给人重击 从未给通告
Never did it for clout, never told on the set, bitch
他们想记录着垃圾时 都是谁来了?
Who they all come get when they want shit chartin'?
我想手撕其他艺人时 他们都想重锤我
They was hittin' me when they wanna break artist
我们赚取生计后 他们就不爽了
After we break bread, then we get shit started
我从没见到一位 也就只有我卡老师渴望
I don't see one, only Cardi B want it
之后姐想要点真东西 毕竟我做出了成绩
Then I want some shit, 'cause I done some shit
大额支票不断 好似我赢得了些东西
Checks on like I just won some shit
花费迅猛 就好似弹药速度
Shoot up the charge like I gun some shit
想看看我的协议 毕竟姐运转顺畅
Gotta read my deal, 'cause I run this shit
所有观光男 都想成为猛汉
All the tour boys want went to Wallstreet dudes
厨师们混乱不堪 毕竟我都没买食物
Chefs in the mess 'cause I don't even buy food
你们不该笑话 我很惬意 我将证明这一切
You shouldn't laugh, I'm relaxin', I will get proof
如今我有了大包包 这可是个大行动
Now I get a big bag, that's a big move
从布朗克斯闯荡至郊区 这也是个大行动
From the Bronx to the 'burbs, make big moves
摇动红臀 赚大钱
Rock red bottoms, made 'em big shoes
玩大鹅 我也是兢兢业业
Play goose, and I'm so focused
毕竟钱多了 就不会穷了
'Cause the money never made me bein' broke bitch
Un adiós sin razones
Unos años sin valor
1.Blast Off (feat. Akbar V) [from the "Bruised" Soundtrack]
2.She Bad (from the "Bruised" Soundtrack)
3.Sweater (from the "Bruised" Soundtrack)
4.Chacin (from the "Bruised" Soundtrack)
5.Bet It (from the "Bruised" Soundtrack)
6.Attitude (from the "Bruised" Soundtrack)