Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 2:Above Him stood the Seraphim; Go return upon thy way!

1.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 1:Blessed are the men who fear Him
2.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 1:Introduction: "As God the Lord of Israel liveth"
3.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 1:Overture; Help Lord! wilt thou quite destroy us?
4.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 1:The deeps afford no water; Lord! bow Thine ear
5.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 1:Ye people rend your hearts - If with all your hearts
6.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 1:Yet doth the Lord see it not; Elijah! get thee hence;
7.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 1:For He shall give His angels
8.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 1:Now Cherith's brook is dried up; What have I to do
9.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 1:As God the Lord of Saboath liveth; Baal we cry to thee
10.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 1:Draw near all ye people; Lord God of Abraham
11.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 1:Cast thy burden upon the Lord
12.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 1:O Thou who makest Thine angels
13.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 1:The fire descends from heaven; Take all the prophets
14.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 1:Woe unto them; O man of God; Thanks be to God!
15.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 2:Hear ye Isael; Be not afraid; The Lord hath exalted
16.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 2:Have ye not heard; Man of God
17.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 2:Though stricken they have not grieved
18.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 2 - It is enough! O Lord now take:See now he slee- peth
19.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 2:Lift thine eyes; He watching over Israel;
20.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 2:Arise Elijah; Oh Lord I have laboured in vain!
21.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 2:O rest in the Lord; He that shall endure; Night... falleth
22.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 2:Arise now!; Behold! God the Lord passed by
23.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 2:Above Him stood the Seraphim; Go return upon thy way!
24.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 2:I go on my way; For the mountains shall depart
25.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 2:Then did Elijah the prophet; Then shall the righteous
26.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 2:Behold God hath sent Elijah; But Lord from the north
27.Elijah Op.70 MWV A25 / Part 2:O come every one; And then shall your light break forth