Not Forgotten

What do you do
When you learn
There's no tomorrow
Hold hands sing songs
Live life till you're gone
But not forgotten
What do you do
When you're sad
And heavy laden
You reach deep and beyond
Give love till you're gone
But not forgotten
And those who went before
Why are they remembered
They held our hands
And sang us songs
Lived their lives
Till they were gone
But not forgotten
Not forgotten
Find your light turn it on shine it down on everyone
Find your light turn it on shine it down on everyone
Find your light shine it down on everyone
1.While My Guitar Gently Weeps
2.Hour Of Need
3.Verge of A Thing
4.Flying Without Wings
5.Love Stands Alone
6.Not Forgotten
7.Mia Rose
8.I'm Back
9.I Need Ground
11.Above It All
12.No Going Back
14.How Long Is Forever