Will you be faking it when the businesses fail,
转眼商场失意 你是否依旧漫不经心
and your money is revealed for what it is?
钱包里的冰冷货币 追根究底有何意义
Will you be faking it when it's safer to joke,
适时调侃几句 听者会否一笑了之
and the laughter's seen on screens in silence?
Will you be faking it when we're tied to the tracks,
被束缚在火车轨道 千钧一发之际你是否依旧平静
denying that there's rope around our wrists?
Will you be faking it when they're rounding us up,
你会否佯装无恙 就算拷上枷锁 深陷囹圄
and your sources all assure it's just a test?
Tell yourself again, “Nothing is wrong with this place.”
絮絮道一切安好 你喃喃自语
Never say it when we're standing face to face
但当我们面面相觑 安慰的话语显得苍白无力
You will be faking it when the businesses fail
转眼商场失意 你是否依旧漫不经心
and your money is revealed as meaningless
有钱未必能使鬼推磨 不过是弱者的呻吟
You will be faking it when it's safer to joke,
适时调侃几句 听者会否一笑了之
and the laughter's shared on threads in silence
笑声缠绕交织 表面风平浪静
You will be faking it when we're tied to the tracks,
被束缚在火车轨道 千钧一发之际你是否依旧平静
denying that the ropes even exist
You will be faking it when they're rounding us up,
你会否佯装无恙 就算拷上枷锁 深陷囹圄
and every coward's advocating it
Tell yourself again, Nothing is wrong with this place.”
絮絮道一切安好 你喃喃自语
Never say it when we're standing face to face
Faker, if there is a hell, you've done what you need to do
自欺欺人者啊 若地狱之门大开 你使命即达
If there is a hell, it's ready and waiting for you
待地狱之门大开 归宿正静候你的到来
So are we awake yet?
那么 我们是否清醒如初
Has it been working?
Can we go home sometime today?
事已至此 我们能否重回名为家的港湾
Where do the spirits fade in our weakest dreams,
缥缈孱弱的梦中 信仰于哪一隅黯然失色
when belief crumbles away?
Where do the fires start in the city streets,
烽火连天 城市大道繁华不再
when the whole flag burns away?
The blossom withers of true emotion and heartfelt honesty
花开花谢 唯有真诚的花蜜如故
I never dreamed you wouldn’t keep your word,
不曾料想 你违背诺言这一拙劣举措
but that's a truth that you can hide
Six-weeks gone in hyperbolic sleep,
睡意深沉 昏昏然已持续六个礼拜
we feel our blood pumping weak
后知后觉 ​彼此一腔热血几近干涸
2.Dillon and Her Son
4.Marine Tigers
6.I'll Make Everything
7.The Future
8.For Robin
9.Fuzz Minor
10.Blank #12
11.Infinite Steve