7 Romances, Op. 47 (text by A.K. Tolstoy):No. 1. Kaba znala ya (If only I had known)

1.Khotel bi v edinoye slovo (For one simple word)
2.6 Romances, Op. 6 (text by A. Tolstoy and L.A. Mey):No. 1. Ne ver', moy drug
3.6 Romances, Op. 6 (text by A. Tolstoy and L.A. Mey):No. 5. Otchevo? (Why?)
4.6 Romances, Op. 28 (text L.A. Mey):6 Romances, Op. 28: No. 3. Zachem? (Why?)
5.7 Romances, Op. 47 (text by A.K. Tolstoy):No. 1. Kaba znala ya (If only I had known)
6.7 Romances, Op. 47 (text by A.K. Tolstoy):No. 2. Gornimi tikho letela dusha nebesami (Calmly the spirit flew up to heaven)
7.6 Romances, Op. 73:No. 1. Mi sideli s toboy (We Sat Together)
8.6 Romances, Op. 73:No. 2. Noch' (Night)
9.6 Romances, Op. 73:No. 3. V etu lunnuyu noch' (On this Moonlit Night)
10.6 Romances, Op. 73:No. 4. Zakatilos solntse (The Sun has Set)
11.6 Romances, Op. 73:No. 5. Sred' mrachnikh dney (Amid Sombre Days)
12.6 Romances, Op. 73:No. 6. Snova, kak prezhde, odin (Again, as Before, Alone)
13.6 Melodies, Op. 65:No. 1. Serenade (Ou vas-tu, souffle d'aurore)
14.6 Melodies, Op. 65:No. 2. Deception
15.6 Melodies, Op. 65:No. 3. Serenade (J'aime dans le rayon de la limpide aurore)
16.6 Melodies, Op. 65:No. 4. Qu'importe que l'hiver
17.6 Melodies, Op. 65:No. 5. Les larmes
18.6 Melodies, Op. 65:No. 6. Rondel