Brootal Party 2.0 (feat. Kris Xenopoulos)

1.Global Error 2.0
2.Riot Auffer Buehne 2.0
3.Chainsaw Vs. Face 2.0 (feat. Kaushal Lakiradipali)
4.Individual Related 2.0 (feat. Iiro Kosonen)
5.Steuerklasse 1 Und Keiner Sagt Danke 2.0 (feat. Larry Wang)
6.Open Up This Fkn Pit 2.0 (feat. Vivien Rue)
7.Endgame Is near 2.0
8.Legalize It
9.Brootal Party 2.0 (feat. Kris Xenopoulos)
10.On the Edge of Society 2.0 (feat. Julien Truchan)
11.Addicted to Abortion 2.0
12.Beating Pacifists 2.0 (feat. Vladislav Martirosov)
13.Human Parasite 2.0