Music: Sterner/
Halfdan Lyrics:
We are the darkened souls
By nightfall we arise
The gates are open wide
The holy blood shall flow
Demonic desires to sacrifice
We burn the christian ground
Crushing all that's sacred
Jesus Christ dethroned
Peeling the skin of the priests
Burn the holy bible
The horizon turns to black
Darkness and evil unleashed
The horde of infernal souls
Inverted is our cross
In the name of
Satan We summon the lord of hell
Christian slaughter
The season of
Satan invoked
Christian slaughter
The unholy flame now burns
Gathering the darkness
To initiate the dark age
A time filled with hatred
Expulsion of all light
A creation of a shadowland
Where the wasteland lies in ruins
A realm darker than black
Eternally silent and cold
Under the diabolical moon
Legions of hell arrive
Descend upon the weak
As eternal devastation awaits
Welcome down to the abyss
The kingdom of pure evil
Where the fires forever burn
Where lord
Lucifer possesses the throne
Christian slaughter
The season of
Satan invoked
Christian slaughter
The unholy flame now burns
Från nedan vi nalkas
Som natten har avlat
I drömmarna dunkla
Om fasor från fordom
Varför söker ni
Solen? Hon giver blott smärta
Livet är lögn
Din moder är mörkret