Pitch Dark Night
Awash With Fright
The Witchblood Cult
Is Out Tonight
Roam The Streets
For Lonesome Souls
Bashed Over the Head
Drained of Blood
And Left For Dead
Witchblood Cult Is
Out Tonight
Villagers Lock
Their Houses Tight
Witchblood Cult Is
On The Prowl
With Lust and Rage
They Kill and Howl
Their BloodQueen Master
Awaits Their Return
From Her Dark Bastion
The Cults Inner Sanctum
Well My Children
What Do You Bring
Nourish Your Goddess
Let The Ceremony Begin
1.Witchtanic Hellucinations
2.October 31st
3.Witches Tits
4.Broomstick *****
5.Rabid Werewitch
6.Realm of the Wicked
7.Beastly Brew
8.Cauldron Cave
9.Witchblood Cult
10.The Black Witch
11.Into the Cave
12.Swamp Spells