...As a Result of Signals Being Crossed

You can't keep
God off the radio
Don't let him in
You can't keep the
Devil from the media
Don't let him in
There is always a salesman at the front door
Don't let him in
The church is trying to peddle something much worse
Don't let them in
What you see
And what you believe
Are never gonna be the same spiders monsters demons tapeworm (You don't like us do you? But you can't find us can you?)
There is always a salesman
There is always a sale
There's a devil
And a family on their knees tonight
1.Absolute Future
2.Taking Cassandra to the End of the World Party
4.Ten Seconds In Los Angeles
5.The Waiting Makes Me Curious
6.Drowning The Old Hag
7.My (F***king) Deer Hunter
8.Dog Sized Bird
9.Complete and Utter Confusion...
11.High As A Horse
12....As a Result of Signals Being Crossed
13.A Gift For Fiction
14.A Brief Tutorial in Bachanalia (Cigarettes As Currency)
15.Absolute Past