The Hours -Exitmusic
Give me back the hours
They're mine to waste
The city and it's sorrows hold my gaze
Crimsoned are the hours
Bled to death by idle hands of time
Look up the sky's awake
The sun is shining
The gloom and the haze
Have both burned away by morning
Oh LA what's written in sand
Your cities and plans the ocean will erase
Images from silence slow to wake
Prepare yourself to leave this soft soft state
It's a chase of lightning
Brightened skyline
Endless days I've longed
Home home home
Look up the sky's awake
The sun is shining
The gloom and the haze
Have both burned away by morning
Oh LA what's written in sand
Your cities and plans
The ocean will erase
Look up the sky's awake
The sun is shining
The gloom and the haze
Have both burned away by morning
Oh LA what's written in sand
Your cities and plans
The ocean will erase
1.The Silence
2.The Modern Age
3.The Hours