睡觉时瞎写的(Bedtime Gibberish)

pull up the curtain, bilingually conversing(拉开窗帘 哥为您双语教学)
fine ***** from Turkey just flew to my birthday(我们的外教来自土耳其)
cruising down Sanlitun makes a nice day best(我天天堵车在三里屯)
and tonight I ain’t leaving for my private jet(今晚私人飞机估计先不坐了)
I got figures, in my bank, I gotta do the math(算算看 我银行账户几位数呢)
**** a fairy tale, **** whoever saying more is less(所谓“知足常乐”是个骗局 别信)
I’ve never taken my horse to the old town road(我从没把三轮车开上过小土路)
but I do miss the streetlight and the old town folks(但此刻也想念家乡的花鸟、街与人)
feeling like a beast, when I be, all day working(就挥汗如雨吧 日复一日 令人充实)
can’t believe, rap expertise made me a hella fortune(敢信吗 做说唱也能飞黄腾达)
stay fly all season, fragrance all creed(我只用Creed香水 以此保持高雅)
from mind to the reason, well-done to raw meat(知行合一 从有到无 此乃大道)
always a long process, trynna build things up(聚沙成塔 非一日可成)
got a totem around my neck, mom says it brings luck(而我的图腾项链 母亲说它带来好运)
I don’t, quite, yet, feel like going, backward(我还不想原路返回)
carrying rest-lessly makes my lower back hurt(我还得中流砥柱 无论代价)
but I’m glad things turned out the way that they did(目前局势一片大好)
many rappers make noises but they can never make this(在这首歌面前 别的说唱歌曲简直是噪音)
啊,姐妹,你知道的,我从America study回来之后说话就喜欢talk一点儿english
你快看 这是我老公今天新给我buy的包包儿
1.睡觉时瞎写的(Bedtime Gibberish)
2.孔雀笼 Demo (Peacock Cage)