iceout iceout bih
iceout iceout bih
iceout iceout bih
iceout iceout bih
xiso xiso lit
xiso xiso lit
xiso xiso lit
xiso xiso lit
iceout iceout bih
lb ga ta hi
ma ni la ke bi
fami ga da mi
ma the ka the go
fali kali jo
mani fani ko
ni jo chi go jo
pull lambo pull lambo
pull up my guap pull my guap
manidafie sevenlaibag monlilabag
manilaikebo manilaikebo
lb shoot u face manilaikebo
poke it out pull up
pull up pull up
*&6$%#@#mi !@*%^*(&)mi
&*)(&)&*)&*)ki %^^%*&R*ki
%*^&(^&(ru &*)^%*%^ku
%^*%^(%^(ru $%&*$*$%$*ru
ingatbadiro dongifkmyo
wendihaoigo pulldosemia
bidosimiya pullupgimetgap
fullakimiba $%&$%&$&wa
iceout bi wa annebi kup
(结冰辣 身上都是冰)
fannemi ka imma hiphop
(烦你呢米卡 我是黑怕)
imma hiphop chuikoudinsa
(我是黑怕 我就是黑怕)
fodemoneyga mademoneyga
iceout iceout bih
iceout iceout bih
iceout iceout bih
iceout iceout bih
xiso xiso lit
xiso xiso lit
xiso xiso lit
xiso xiso lit
icoutbit wa killenme wa
(结冰辣 撒了我吧)
katami wa sadami guap
ellenanthemideko anthefop
ellenanthemidome anthekop
get the money get the money bag
get the money get the money bag
lambogini ruanigap imma bad
(兰博基尼上都是钱袋子 我是个带恶人)
lanbogini skr skr immakathemad
(闪电漂移 我疯辣)
skr skr kothemanibag
(嘚漂嘚漂 钱包都要掉了)
wa wa immafaninghad
(哇 哇 我贼帅了)
mmafkingbad immafkingbad
(我贼带了 我太带了)
immaplayboi immafkingmad
(我是玩儿少 我贼疯辣)
olokodomi salakodomi
olomami f%^*%^*mi
%^&%^&%^&mi fodimamimamigo
^*&^*mi %^*%^*%*^%ki
iceout iceout bih
iceout iceout bih
iceout iceout bih
iceout iceout bih
xiso xiso lit
xiso xiso lit
xiso xiso lit
xiso xiso lit(着火辣)