You saw me in the loneliness 你于孤独中望见了我
I see you in the dark 我看见你立于黑暗中
You always seem so hopeless 你总是显得无望
and i already lost my heart 而我则早就失去了我的心
when you were trapped in the past 当你困于过去
you drenched in your pain again 再一次沉浸在你的痛苦中
You have revealed me a truth 你向我揭示了一个真相
I have no place to stand 我并没有立足之地
My belief was murdered by hypocrisy 我的信仰被伪善所扼杀
So tell me where do i belong? 所以告诉我,我的归宿在何方?
Flaoting through the pain that I remain 掠过我留下的痛苦
and it's torturing me 而且它在折磨着我
Feel the fate which fulfilled with my sins 感受我那充满罪恶的命运
and the deaths will be your friends 死亡将会成为你的朋友