编曲 : Garr Lu/万万万一
Another raining boring day
熟悉的咖啡厅 习惯的同一个⻆落
Sitting in that same old place
那是 擦肩初遇
When I looked up and see you face
一切静止 目不转睛
Everything stoped, music ring
经历过甜蜜的爱情 但最后物是人非
Can’t feel the pain and can’t feel the love
也惧怕在感情中迷失自我 没有了勇气
Afraid to let anyone in after what I had been through
但如果我愿意为你再一次陷入爱情 卸下防御
If I say I want try it again for you
Would you let me do
遇到你 让我想再尝试一次
Give me a chance to try
想放纵自己 不顾一切
Just for the last time could compromise
If I saw you upset and I will cry
才发现爱上了你的一切 不计缺点
love the way you move and your smile
想把你的爱偷偷藏起来 放在心里
You love is treasures to hide
想每天陪伴在你旁边 一步不离
All I want is by you side
四目相对时 我已沉沦
I know that you are the one when we locked eyes
Be mine
经历过甜蜜的爱情 但最后物是人非
Can’t feel the pain and can’t feel the love
也惧怕在感情中迷失自我 没有了勇气
Afraid to let anyone in after what I had been through
但如果我愿意为你再一次陷入爱情 卸下防御
If I say I want try it again for you
Would you let me do
遇到你 让我想再尝试一次
想放纵自己 不顾一切
Give me a chance to try
Just for the last time could compromise
才发现爱上了你的一切 不计缺点
If I saw you upset and I will cry
想把你的爱偷偷藏起来 放在心里
love the way you move and your smile
想每天陪伴在你旁边 一步不离
You love is treasures to hide
四目相对时 我已沉沦
All I want is by you side
I know that you are the one when we locked eyes
Be mine
遇到你 让我想再尝试一次
想放纵自己 不顾一切
Give me a chance to try
Just for the last time could compromise
才发现爱上了你的一切 不计缺点
If I saw you upset and I will cry
想把你的爱偷偷藏起来 放在心里
love the way you move and your smile
想每天陪伴在你旁边 一步不离
You love is treasures to hide
四目相对时 我已沉沦
All I want is by you side
I know that you are the one when we locked eyes
Be mine
作词 Lyrics : FAY
作曲 Composer : Garr Lu
编曲 Arranger : Garr Lu/万万万一
键盘 Keyboarder : Garr Lu
吉他 Guitarist : 万万万一
和声 Backing Vocals : 板牙/Garr Lu
混音 Mixing Engineer : 小翰
录音室 Recording Studio : RadioAtion Studio
1.Feel to be loved