
If u need my attention and shxt tell me let me know(宁有事吗)
Giving those likes like u are watching us thru that peep hole(你也就只会走这些歪门邪道了)
One shot, click that thing, now we reload(旅居地球的外球人你好)
We win the game with no cheat code(把精力放在好好做音乐上)
Pay the price don't loot(要付出代价的)
Don't u know who u fool(知道你在干什么吗)
Like me like u really do(不喜欢我就不要给我点赞)
Love me like u really do(不爱我的音乐就不要点赞)
Pay the price don't loot(要付出代价的)
Don't u know who u fool(知道你在干什么吗)
Like me like u really do(不喜欢我就不要给我点赞)
Love me like u really do(不爱我的音乐就不要点赞)
不喜欢我的人全部弄起爬 管你来自天上或地下
我想要的只是 cash power 管你戴了什么颜色帽儿
If u need my attention and shxt tell me let me know(宁有事吗)
Giving those likes like u are watching us thru that peep hole(你也就只会走这些歪门邪道了)
One shot, click that thing, now we reload(旅居地球的外球人你好)
We win the game with no cheat code(把精力放在好好做音乐上)
Pay the price don't loot(要付出代价的)
Don't u know who u fool(知道你在干什么吗)
Like me like u really do(不喜欢我就不要给我点赞)
Love me like u really do(不爱我的音乐就不要点赞)
Pay the price don't loot(要付出代价的)
Don't u know who u fool(知道你在干什么吗)
Like me like u really do(不喜欢我就不要给我点赞)
Love me like u really do(不爱我的音乐就不要点赞)