Future Girlfriend(未来女友)

It's mother fxxk kz on the track(Kz参与了本歌曲的制作)
Kz Hook:
I will fly I will fly(我将高飞)
I will fly I will fly(我将高飞)
I will fly I will fly(我将高飞)
I will fly I will fly(我将高飞)
I will fly to the city.(我将飞往下个城市)
Next Girl with me.(下一个和我的女孩)
She never rxxp me.(她不会“缠绵”我)
I'll fxxking my hater(我致我的恨者于地狱)
I love you(我恋爱你)
I love me(我爱我自己)
I love the swimming pool(我爱游泳池)
Do you love me?(你爱我吗?)
I loved you since I was a child(我还是个孩子的时候就爱上了她)
She is so ***y.You know what I mean(她真的很性感你懂我的)
She said that she love me too.(她说她也很爱我)
The color is blue(色彩仿佛是蓝)
I bought supreme for my girl(我为我的女孩买了件Supreme)
I don't give fxxk everyone said that(我不在乎人们的言语)
I just know you love me too.(我只知道你说过的你喜欢我)
Now.You said:sorry kz.(现在你说:对不起Kz...)
XX的电话:(Somebody's Telephone)
I..I'm so sorry,Kz..I just...You know..(我..我很抱歉Kz..我只是..你知道...)
Your girl is so pretty..I..I don't know what said.(你的女孩很聪明..我..我不知道他们说些什么...)
I just..Sorry Kz.I love your girl.(我只是...对不起Kz..我喜欢她)
(Radio:Just imagine that幻想她吧)
I will fly I will fly(我将高飞)
I will fly I will fly(我将高飞)
I will fly I will fly(我将高飞)
I will fly...I love you.Cheng Huishi...(我将...我爱你,陈慧诗...)
(Radio:Just imagine that幻想她吧)
1.Future Girlfriend(未来女友)