wind flower -films
The rainy day reign
That comes from the wall
This red lips abstain
This down in the wall
This rain will get by
The same between one
This red lips abstain
It's blowin'away
This rain gets a tide
Strikes a typoon
It will only subside
Decendant a must
In taking the most
The vengeance is mine
That I say excuse
This long live I go
He's waiting the light
This long search will end
This strangers will lie
It's getting the same
There presence will go
Ahhhhhhh ahhhhhh
Ahhhhhhhh ahhhhhh
Ahhhhhhhh ahhhhhh
Ahhhhhhhh ahhhhhh
Ahhhhhhh ahhhhhh
Ahhhhhhh ahhhhhh
Ahhhhhhh ahhhhhh
Ahhhhh ahhhhhh
Ahhhhhh ahhhh
Ahhhhhh ahhh