Pieśni księżniczki z baśni (Songs of a Fairy Princess), Op. 31 (version for voice and orchestra)

1.Pieśni miłosne Hafiza (Love Songs of Hafiz), Op. 26
2.Pieśni muezina szalonego (Songs of an Infatuated Muezzin), Op. 42 (version for voice and orchestra)
3.Pieśni księżniczki z baśni (Songs of a Fairy Princess), Op. 31 (version for voice and orchestra)
4.Król Roger (King Roger), Op. 46, Act II:Pieśń Roksany (Song of Roxane)
5.3 Fragments from Poems by Jan Kasprowicz, Op. 5 (arr. G. Fitelberg for voice and orchestra):No. 1. Święty Boże (Holy God)
6.3 Fragments from Poems by Jan Kasprowicz, Op. 5 (arr. G. Fitelberg for voice and orchestra):No. 3. Moja pieśń wieczorna (Blessed Be That Moment)
7.3 Fragments from Poems by Jan Kasprowicz, Op. 5 (arr. G. Fitelberg for voice and orchestra):No. 2. Jestem i płaczę (I am and Cry)