Yiddish - gornisht, Arabish - gornisht
Hebreyish, Rusish - gornisht
Ladino, English - gornisht
Esperanto überalles - gornisht, gornisht, gornisht
Esperanto überalles - gornisht, gornisht, gornisht
Israel - nothing, Palestine - nothing
Theodore Herzl - nothing
Yitzhak Rabin - nothing
Hamas, Fatah, Hezbul-la-la - nothing, nothing, nothing
Hamas, Fatah, Hezbul-la-la - nothing, nothing, nothing
Torah - nothing, Talmud - nothing
Koran and Bible - nothing
The Wailing Wall is nothing
If they build a new ****ing Temple - nothing, nothing, nothing
If the Jews build a new ****ing Temple - nothing, nothing, nothing
Muhammad - nothing, Moshiach - nothing
Barack Obama - nothing
Netanyahu - nothing
Arafat and Arik Sharon - na na Nachman nothing
Jesus Christ and Allen Ginsberg - na na Nachman nothing
Holocaust - nothing, Auschwitz - nothing
Deir Yassin is nothing
Sabra Shatila - nothing
Yom Haatzmaut and Yad Vashem - Nakba, Nakba, nothing
Yom Haatzmaut and Yad Vashem - nothing, Nakba, nothing
The Boycott is nothing, the Birthright is nothing
The IDF is nothing
PLO is nothing
Gilad Shalit and Rachel Corey - nothing, nothing, nothing
Gilad Shalit and Rachel Corey - nothing, nothing, kill me
Cynicism - nothing, nihilism - nothing
Hipster humor - nothing
Postmodern bullshit - nothing
Foreign assholes with opinions - nothing, nothing nothing
Stupid songs that just provoke you - gornisht, gornisht, gornisht
1.Ekh Lyuli Revisited
2.Eretz Thuringen
3.Israel Nothing
4.The Jew in You
6.The Asshole and the Good One