I Go, I Go - Zachyosov´s Song (From "Car 22-12 (Happy Trip)")

1.Kakhovka Song (From 'The Three Comrades")
2.Song About the Three Tankmen (From "Tractor Drivers")
3.Song of Artillerymen
4.Tankmen´s March (From "Tractor Drivers")
5.Kharitosha´s Song (From "Tractor Drivers")
6.Partisans´ Song (From "Tractor Drivers")
7.The Karabas Couplets (From "The Golden Key")
8.Far, Far Across the Sea (From "The Golden Key")
9.Puppet Waltz (From "The Golden Key")
10.The Water Carrier´s Couplets (From "Volga-Volga")
11.Cooks Quartet (From "Volga-Volga")
12.Do Not Touch Us (From "Friends Ιn Battle")
13.Seagull (From "Seamen")
14.Polka-Bird (From "The Golden Key")
15.O Madonna (From "A Song for You")
16.Stoker´s Song (From "Arinka")
17.Tchastushki (From "The Bright Way")
18.Moon Waltz (From "The Circus")
19.And I Would Caress You
20.How Nice Are Those Eyes
21.The Dark Night (From "Two Soldiers")
22.Oh You, Heart (From "In Pursuit of Happiness")
23.Dashing Artillery (From "At 6pm After the War")
24.Song About Motherland (From "Circus")
25.Song (From "A Girl Is Hurrying to a Date")
26.Moon Waltz (From "The Circus")
27.I Go, I Go - Zachyosov´s Song (From "Car 22-12 (Happy Trip)")