Necromancer (Remake)

I’m longing for boundless freedom
That will come deep from my heart
There’s no place for god in heaven
And his kingdom falls apart
Sometimes I wish I could be stronger
Than the fear inside my eyes
A red rose withers in my hands
I see the world in black and white
And I don’t love you anymore
Like I hated you once before
Follow me into the darkness
Smell the sweat of godless nights
Can you grasp your whole existence
Can you grasp my lifelong fight
I know I’m anything but insane
I need someone to stand by me
I can’t remember what has happened
I am the one I try to be
I’m a necromancer
1.Ohne Zeit
3.I Hate This World
4.Babylon (Ratzinger RMX)
5.Eclipse (Remake)
6.Necromancer (Remake)
7.The Smell of Suicide
8.The Beginning (Remake)
10.End of the World (Alternative Version)
11.Aus Gold
12.Violent Acts of Hate
15.Natur und Kunst
16.Schmerz (Alternative Version)
17.Drown in My Dreams
18.Sakrileg (Remake)
20.Von hier zu den Sternen
22.Glut und Asche
23.Lebendig begraben
24.Regentanz (Remake)
25.Kein Ton
26.Silence (Remake)
28.Engel weinen heimlich (Opposite *** Version)
29.Horizont (Remake)
30.Horizont (Dust And Ashes)