Whoa, yeah
So selfish, so insane
你是多么的自私自利 多么疯狂至极
Cause I don't know what's going on in your brain
I can't believe that you could do me this way
The past's just how it is, I'm trying to leave it behind me
过去的我也不多计较了 我在极力尝试将此事远远抛在脑后
So selfish, so insane
你是多么的自私自利 多么疯狂至极
Cause I don't know what's going on in your brain
I can't believe that you could do me this way
The past's just how it is, I'm trying to leave it behind me
过去的我也不多计较了 我在极力尝试将此事远远抛在脑后
Told me that you loved me then you went and f*cked my friend
你曾信誓旦旦地说你爱我 说完扭头就和我兄弟拍拖
This pain's a constant cycle, when the hell's it gonna end?
对我永无止境折磨 这种痛苦何时才能结束?
I've been walking on a tightrope and they took away the net
我如同在钢丝上行走(从头至尾都冒着极大风险) 他们还将保护网撤走(让我无路回头 不敢有半点闪失)
I'm versing with my demons, yeah they all up in my head
我与我心中的恶魔纠缠不清 直至他们在我脑海挥之不去
Lying through your teeth, the word 'love' you never meant it
你净是睁着眼睛说瞎话 你口中所谓的“爱”不是爱 根本就是口是心非
And I'll act like I'm okay, but my hearts been dented
我还装作若无其事 陪着你演戏 可你知道吗 我的心早已黯然销魂
Now I see a crooked smile, you should see a dentist
现如今看着你强颜欢笑 面部扭曲的你 呵呵 你应该去看看牙医
My friend turned f*ckboy, that pussy just a menace
我的兄弟现如今变成“pao王” 那个女人也仅仅只是一个威胁
We ain't friends no more, so don't get it mistaken
我也和这种人绝交了 所以请你也别误会
Used to have a circle but now it's turned mishapen
曾习惯于循规蹈矩 井井有条的生活 可现如今就是一团糟
Got both my shoes tied, I won't trip over no fake b**ch
系好双脚上的鞋带(我已看清事实 脚踏实地) 我不会再被这种“绿茶”“白莲”所迷惑
Time to burn the leeches off of me then make them pay rent
是时候把为了我的钱而敲诈我的人找到 并让他们以任何形式的读爱作为偿还
So f*ck love, f*ck trust, yeah it's all fake
所以 去nm的爱情 去nm的彼此信任 这些全tm都是假的!
And f*ck all of my friends, swear to god that you're all snakes
去nm身边所有的狐朋狗友 我敢保证 我对天发誓 你们tm全都是蛇(俚语以为卑鄙小人 背后喜欢捅别人刀子下毒手的人)
Love's the reason that I numb the pain with Novacane
So I'll push everyone away, don't care what it takes
因此 我会推开众人 远离任何人 我愿意付出任何代价
So selfish, so insane
你是多么的自私自利 多么疯狂至极
Cause I don't know what's going on in your brain
I can't believe that you could do me this way
The past's just how it is, I'm trying to leave it behind me
过去的我也不多计较了 我在极力尝试将此事远远抛在脑后
So selfish, so insane
你是多么的自私自利 多么疯狂至极
Cause I don't know what's going on in your brain
I can't believe that you could do me this way
The past's just how it is, I'm trying to leave it behind me
过去的我也不多计较了 我在极力尝试将此事远远抛在脑后