Colours of My World (Chapter III)

Years were going like sand exposed to morning wind
Slowly hopes left place to dreams
Past and future all at once everything has gone
Take your time to say goodbye
To my life...
In a single chance
I try To my fears... '
Cause I've seen' em day by day
Somewhere in my dreams
I can see
Lying the colours of my world
Where my spirit sometimes falls
And I wonder if there's a way to paint these walls
With the colours of my world living deep inside my soul?
All that world around me suffocated my will
In that grey
I slowly chilled
There with nothing winding me sometimes
I felt so old
Like a man who lived for too long
A hundred
Years... I surrender to my fears
A thousand
Years... Whish
I could forget my tears
Somewhere in my dreams
I can see
Lying the colours of my world
Where my spirit sometimes falls
And I wonder if there's a way to paint these walls
With the colours of my world living deep inside my soul?
Now I'm here sitting in a corner of an empty room
With pearled eyes
In my mind the silence, immobility of a frozen gloom
In a stolen smile
Through the veils
Of human unconsciousness
Reside the nameless words we are not allowed to know
Would I break this veil?
That's where my mind has gone
A trip with no return
Through the meaning of what we call...
Life ...What we call...
Life... ...
What we call...
Life... ...
What we call...
Life... Somewhere in my dreams
I can see
Lying the colours of my world
Where my spirit sometimes falls
And I wonder if there's a way to paint these walls
With the colours of my world living deep inside my soul?
1.Versions of the Same (Chapter VII)
2.Fool's Garden (Chapter XI)
3.Out of the Maze (Chapter XIII)
4.We Are, We Are Not (Chapter X)
5.Shades (Chapter IX)
6.Through the Eyes of God (Chapter VIII)
7.The Fallen Feather (Chapter V)
8.Colours of My World (Chapter III)
9.The Secret of Life (Chapter II)
10.La Vita Fugge (Chapter VI)