1.The Seven Deadly Sins: Pride
2.The Seven Deadly Sins: Envy
3.The Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath
4.The Seven Deadly Sins: Sloth
5.The Seven Deadly Sins: Avarice
6.The Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony
7.The Seven Deadly Sins: Lust
8.Animals and Insects: The Lion
9.Animals and Insects: An Explanationof the Grasshopper
10.Animals and Insects: The Spider and the Ghost of the Fly
11.Animals and Insects: A Dirge for a Righteous Kitten
12.Animals and Insects: The Mysterious Cat
13.Animals and Insects: The Mouse that Gnawed the Oak Tree Down
14.Animals and Insects: Two Old Crows
15.Songs of the Silence: All Music, All Delight
16.Three Painters: Marc Chagall
17.Songs of the Silence: Cadence
18.Terre de France: Sonnet
19.Three Painters: Grandma Moses
20.Songs of the Silence: The Fountain and the Fire
21.Terre de France: Ballade
22.Terre de France: Mère, voici vos fils
23.Three Painters: Jackson Pollace
24.Terre de France: Adieux à la Meuse
25.Six Poems of Frank O'Hara: St. Paul and All That
26.Six Poems of Frank O'Hara: Steps
27.Six Poems of Frank O'Hara: Poem
28.Terre de France: Ode
29.Six Poems of Frank O'Hara: Song
30.Six Poems of Frank O'Hara: Song
31.Six Poems of Frank O'Hara: Autobiographia Literaria