Secret Silk Society

制作人 : David Baron
Secret silk society
Secret silk society
Secret silk society
Secret silk society
Who is wise? why, our hearts
Made for passing the lote tree
It is very, very far
Very far indeed
Oh, thirst, and yet
Astonished we
We seesaw soul
In another place
Secret, secret
Is love as traveling?
Under the doppled glade
Arched embracer trees
Who is wise? who is wise?
Who is wise?
Who is wise?
Why, our hearts
Who is wise?
Why, our hearts
Who is wise? (secret silk society)
Why, our hearts (secret silk society)
Who is wise? (secret silk society)
Why, our hearts (secret silk society)
Oh, secret silk society
Secret silk society
Secret silk society
1.Memory Go
2.I Spit Roses
3.Never Fall Out
5.Peace To Each
6.Velocity Bird
7.The Prince & Old Lady Shade
8.Seesaw Sway
9.Uneven & Brittle
10.Secret Silk Society
11.Créme de la Créme