Gloomy winter's now awa
Soft the westlin' breezes blaw
‘Mang the birks o' Stanley shaw
The mavis sings fu' cheerie O
Sweet the crawflowr's early bell
Decks Glenifer's dewy dell
Bloomin' like yer bonnie sel'
My young my artless dearie O
Come my lassie let us stray
O'er Glenkilloch's sunny brae
And blythely spend the gowden day
‘Midst joy thats never wearie O
Tow'ring o'er the Newton woods
Lav'rocks fan the snow-white clouds
Siller saughs wi' downy buds
Adorn the banks saw briery O
Round the sylvan fairy nooks
Feath'ry breckans fringe the rocks
‘Neath the brae the burnie jouks
And ilka thing is cheerie O
Trees may bud and birds may sing
Flowers may bloom and verdue spring
But joy to me they canna bring
Unless wi' ye my dearie O
Trees may bud and birds may sing
Flowers may bloom and verdue spring
But joy to me they canna bring
Unless wi' ye my dearie O
1.Ca' the Yowes
2.Scots Wha' Hae
3.Slave's Lament
4.For a' That
5.Banks and Braes
6.Are Ye Sleeping Maggie?
7.Auld Lang Syne
8.Farewell to Whisky
9.Neil Gow's Lament
10.Gloomy Winter
11.Rattlin' Roarin' Willie