As they came on to
Glasgow town,
And passd the banks and braes sae bonny,
There they espied the weel-faurd may,
And she said to them her name was
Peggy. Their chief did meet her father soon,
And O! but he was wondrous angry;
Says, Ye may steal my owsen and kye,
But ye maunna steal my bonnie
Peggy. ‘O haud your tongue, ye gude auld man,
For I’ve got cows and ewes already;
I come na to steal your owsen and kye,
But I will steal your bonny
Peggy.’ He set her on a jet-black horse,
And he himsel rode a gude grey naigie,
And they are on mony miles to the north,
And nane wi them but the bonny
Peggy. 'I hae now ten thousand sheep,
A’ feeding on yon braes sae bonny,
And ilka hundred a shepherd has,
Altho I be but a
Hieland laddie. ‘
It’s I hae fifty acres of land,
It’s a’ plowd and sawn already;
I am Donald, the
Lord of Skye,
And why sud na
Peggy be calld a lady?