Cole Summer (Prod. By J. Cole)

This right here is not a preview
唔 这首歌只是我的碎碎念啦
I need to let it go, yeah
有时候我得看开点 是的 看开点
Now this right here is not a preview
这首歌只是我的随想 不为了什么而作
Of what the album goin' to bring you, or nothing like that
对于准备发行的《Born Sinner》我有些设想
Sharing things I think quietly, with those that admire me
纪录一些想法 分享给你们
Remember MTV Diaries? This something like that
看过MTV的节目《Diraies》嘛 大概就是那样的(一档记录明星日常的节目)
I wear my heart up on my sleeve, and I, bleed for you
可我在这里所说的 句句皆是肺腑之言
Cookin' beats hoping' to reach like each one you
When I release, trust if you feel like my shit is weak
等到新专出来 你们尽管听
When you see me on the street, then speak, I refund you
This sample was yellin' "loop me!", Ms. Hill please don't sue me
这首歌采样了Ms.Hill的歌 喔 Hill女士我可不希望我们在法庭上见面
Cause I ain't one of these rappers out here frontin' like he got it, nigga
(这首采样了Lauryn Hill的Nothing Even Matters
I ain't fuckin' got it, nigga...
Throwing thousands in the strip club with Drizzy
Difference is I'm throwing four, he's throwing fifty
他是一大叠票子地砸 我是一张一张一块钱地放
Lord, forgive me
啊 放过我吧
Bitches saying: "You a rapper nigga, ain't you s'pose to tip more?"
那些姐们说“你一Rapper 你为什么不大度一些呢?”
I don't see no pussy, baby, ain't you s'pose to strip more?
“老子又不是来嫖的 给那么多干什么”
Confessions of a cheap-ass nigga
这些人其实挺悲哀的 我不想再去那地方了
But I finally put my Momma in that E class, nigga
得亏我事业有成了 让我妈也能开得起好车
And I told her quit her job, but hold your horses
我和她说不用再工作了 我来照顾你
If my next album flops it's back to the post office, both of us, shit
但是 我害怕下张专辑如果卖不好 我们得回到那该死的邮局去工作
They're saying that's a real possibility
The thought alone is killing me
可是 我真的不想妈妈又过回那种生活
I think I need to let it go
唔 放轻松点伙计
I need to let it go
能行的 看开点
I think I need to let it go, let it go, let it go
I think I need to let it go
Cause nothing even matters...
Anticipating rain, I can't make the same mistakes again
我不想栽第二次了(Cole认为首专Cole World卖的没有他预想的好)
Them 90s niggas raped the game
And left us with a battered and bruised bitch, with a few kids
The pussy loose, but the truth is I love her, though
如今圈子的人良莠不齐 可我仍想挑起担子 做好自己的音乐
She ain't perfect, but who is?
Hoes saying "Cole, you is" don't be silly, ma
那些拜金婊社交婊说“扣啊 你可是完美的男人~” 可是 你们也懂的
Cause really I am just a born sinner the opposite of a winner
生来就是罪人 一个输家
Cole summer, I predict another winter
这个夏天我发行了这张专 希望我冬天能数着钞票舒舒服服过日子
Cause I'm finta, drop knowledge like a five percenter
(Five Percent Nation是一个黑人MSL的组织Nas曾表明支持该组织的观点)
Fuck the Bilderberg, nigga show 'em God sent ya
去他的彼得伯格阴谋论 Nas你可是上帝之子 让他们见识见识
Rhyme with the skill, as if Nas went to
提高自己的水准 希望自己有Nas那样的水准
College on scholarship met 'pac and said "I'm down with ya!"
And when they wasn't writing rhymes they fucking lined sisters
这两个人的能力不用说你们都懂得 写词就如艹婊一般简单
Puffin' on swishers, what's up Milan?
抽支雪茄吧 Milan(和Cole共事的一位制作人)
Everytime I drop I get the net poppin' like Lebron swishes
Kay told me kill ya, and I gotta respect my Mom's wishes
When I let go this how my mind switches
不过都是过去的事了 随他吧
No looking back, don't even want to see my prom pictures
我只想在这条路上一走到底 然后到达一个更高的境界
Pardon the rhyme scheme, I guess I'm long winded
唔 在这里先换个韵脚
Let me switch it now, back to Hell's kitchen now
说到哪了 喔 会想起在Hell‘s Kitchen(一家快餐连锁)那边
Up in Hova office like he the fucking principal
刚进Roc Nation那一会 Jay Z一直都是老大哥
Put me in with Stargate, that shit was like detention now
把我和Stargate(一个制作团队)的人丢在一块 可我感觉并不是很自在
Just tellin' my story so dissin' ain't my intention now
我只是想用自己的方式讲我的故事 而不是靠炒作和别人的beef博出位
Drop a couple hits and all the dumbies pay attention now
A shame when you learn the ins and outs of the game
在这个圈子里混久了 间的人太多了
And reminisce on little Jermaine in the south
刚发迹的时候 还在南部打拼的小cole
Rappin' out loud, with all the niggas that's cool to you
Just to realize that all them niggas was foolin' you
And they ain't who they said they were
Talk about the streets, but nigga that ain't really where they were
Acting just like there they were, but who am I to judge?
可到底是不是Real G 那就不知道了
That's neither here or there
Just know I know, my nigga, I just like being aware
我只要做好自己 不装逼 踏踏实实做音乐就好
If i had one wish, I would fuck Tia and Tamera, at the same time
讲道理 我很想和Tia & Tamera两姐妹(90s电视节目的演员姐妹花)开一波“车”
And put name tags on they titties so I don’t get they name wrong
在她们的%¥#上贴上混帐标签 那我就不会弄错了
Screamin' "Game on"
Like Wayne's World, that just came on
I'm rambling now
5 days to finish the album, I'm scramblin' now
Took a break from sampling now
Just to say a few words to this bitch named Summer
这个夏天有我的新专 不和你们多BB
June will make four years since I gave you my number
离我的首专发行也有四年了 我也得交份像样的答卷了
"The Warm Up" dropped, I got hot, you called it a classic
《The Warm Up》(2011)发行后 我总算是红了
And Jay dropped "Autotune", you wanted him back, shit
Play my position, the whole while still wishin'
A year later Drake put his key in your ignition
过了一年 公鸭发行《Thank Me Later》(2010)
And I told my fellas,
I dropped "Friday Night Lights" in the winter just to make her jealous
《Friday Night Lights》这张mixtape绝对会让他们叫绝
Wanted to drop the album in the summer
But the label didn't think that they could sell it
Recoup the first week, I think it ain't shit they can tell us
去他的 雪藏到年底了 发行的第一周 他们就没话可说了
Do you agree?
It's been a long time coming this thing between you and me
Cole World发行了也有段时间了 希望我的新砖不会让你们失望
I can't let it go
这可是我呕心之作啊 又怎么能看得这么开
June 25th. Born Sinner. Bitch
六月二十五 我的新砖 大家买买买
1.Cole Summer (Prod. By J. Cole)
2.Kenny Lofton
3.Chris Tucker
4.Head Bussa
6.3 wishes