Half nine i'm glued to you, then i'll disappear. call your other side it lasted three year.
**** love, fight love, **** love, fight.
**** love and chuck love 'til tomorrow night.
Then start again and lose again. small tablet of pleasure.
Fight jock. ****. **** love forever.
**** love, fight love, **** love, fight.
**** love and chuck love 'til tomorrow night.
Held tight i was wrong. c-coldsore ****.
Sorry for losing respect malc
I was wasted on that slut.
Held tight i was wrong c-coldsore ****.
Sorry for loosing respect - i was wasted on that slut.
1.Coming Down
2.The First Big Weekend
4.Soaps (T In The Park '98)
5.Phone Me Tonight
7.Kate Moss (King Tuts Live)
9.The Clearing
11.Kate Moss
13.General Plea To A Girlfriend
14.The Smell Of Outdoor Cooking (Peel Session)
15.Little Girls
16.I Work In A Saloon
17.I Saw You (Peel Session)
18.The First Big Peel Thing (Peel Session)
19.The Clearing (King Tuts Live)
20.General Plea To A Girlfriend (King Tuts Live)
21.Driving (King Tuts Live)
22.Blood (King Tuts Live)
23.Phone Me Tonight (King Tuts Live)
24.Gilded (King Tuts Live)
26.I Work In A Saloon (King Tuts Live)
27.The First Big Weekend (King Tuts Live)