Written by:Ay7(词曲)
Composer :Ay7(编曲)
Mixed by:Ay7(混音)
i got no money for the Bentley(我没有钱买宾利)
haters tryna fvc with me got me teardrop(讨厌我的人都想要与我作对这使我哭泣)
it went so far i barely touch it(走得太远我差一点就触碰到了)
if u reachin wish u good luck(如果你也想尝试祝你好运)
its all bld on my shirt(我的衣服上都是红色的)
im so numb in a temper(我的情绪太麻木了)
help me god if u really watchin (帮帮我吧上帝)
with your blind eye show me some luv(如果你真的在看的话给我一点爱)
Im gonna keep My secret(我会保密)
You gonna keep my secret (你也要替我保密)
Im gonna keep My secret(我会保密)
You gonna keep my secret (你也要替我保密)
Babe I will be by your side(我会一直在你身边)
Red snow ill keep it lowkey(如果下起了红色的雪我会很低调)
Dont get in the way im afraid (别挡道)
I’ll have to kil u Im so Sorry(否则我会很抱歉)
Never gonna see your face(永远看不见你的脸了)
Im gonna Say my grace(我会说出我的恩典)
The Night of the moon(月圆之夜)
Wolves are comin better be focus(狼要来了最好专心一点)
Hope us get through the day(希望我们能度过这一天)
Find somewhere to stay(找一个容身之地)
Street life became harder(街头的生活越来越艰难)
Payin sh everyday(每天都在付钱)
Yes i kil Wearing Polo(是的我主宰的时候都穿polo)
No trust just playin solo(不信任任何人所以我单打独斗)
have my knee for a kilo(a kilo你就可以拥有我的膝盖)
yes im just a g d kiddo(是的我就是一个小屁孩)
feelin soso(感觉一般般)
its not a hde(这不是蓄意的)
i hang myself up(我把自己挂起来)
for a perfact sight(只为了更好的视野)
i got no money for the Bentley(我没有钱买宾利)
haters tryna fvc with me got me teardrop(讨厌我的人都想要与我作对这使我哭泣)
it went so far i barely touch it(走得太远我差一点就触碰到了)
if u reachin wish u good luck(如果你也想尝试祝你好运)
its all bld on my shirt(我的衣服上都是红色的)
im so numb in a temper(我的情绪太麻木了)
help me god if u really watchin (帮帮我吧上帝)
with your blind eye show me some luv(如果你真的在看的话给我一点爱)
Im gonna keep My secret(我会保密)
You gonna keep my secret (你也要替我保密)
Im gonna keep My secret(我会保密)
You gonna keep my secret (你也要替我保密)
Babe I will be by your side(我会一直在你身边)
Red snow ill keep it lowkey(如果下起了红色的雪我会很低调)
Dont get in the way im afraid (别挡道)
I’ll have to kil u Im so Sorry(否则我会很抱歉)
hop in the car(快跳进车里)
yall know i cant stop(你知道我停不下来)
kilin bit all the way to the top(一路谁挡都没用)
ill be Shining like a fvcin star(我会闪耀的像一颗星星)
Fvcin OD When my Mic drop(od当我的麦克风掉了)
mic drop mic drop risen life up(麦克风掉了就重生吧)
so many reason i fvced up(许多原因导致我搞砸了)
i can make it major(不过我可以把它做大)
you are my love(你是我唯一的爱)
i want your love(我只需要你的爱)
keep my secret(请你保密)
for the last time(最后一次)
i got no money for the Bentley(我没有钱买宾利)
haters tryna fvc with me got me teardrop(讨厌我的人都想要与我作对这使我哭泣)
it went so far i barely touch it(走得太远我差一点就触碰到了)
if u reachin wish u good luck(如果你也想尝试祝你好运)
its all bld on my shirt(我的衣服上都是红色的)
im so numb in a temper(我的情绪太麻木了)
help me god if u really watchin (帮帮我吧上帝)
with your blind eye show me some luv(如果你真的在看的话给我一点爱)
Im gonna keep My secret(我会保密)
You gonna keep my secret (你也要替我保密)
Im gonna keep My secret(我会保密)
You gonna keep my secret (你也要替我保密)
Babe I will be by your side(我会一直在你身边)
Red snow ill keep it lowkey(如果下起了红色的雪我会很低调)
Dont get in the way im afraid (别挡道)
I’ll have to kil u Im so Sorry(否则我会很抱歉)