May I have your attention please?请注意我这里好吗
May I have your attention please?请注意我这里好吗
Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?真的阿姆请站起来
I repeat will the real Slim Shady please stand up?重复一遍真的阿姆请站起来
We're going to have a problem here我们遇到个麻烦
Ya'll act like you never seen a white person before年轻人的举止都像之前从未见过白人一样
jaws all on the floor like Pam like Tommy just burst in the door下巴都掉到地上了,像帕梅尔和汤米突然从门口闯了进来
started whoopin her eyes worse than before更加恶劣地追逐在她的身后
they first get divorced throwing her over furniture (scream)他们先是离婚了,一下把她甩到家具堆
It's the return of the这是回答
"Oh wait, no way, your kidding, he didn't just say what I think he did, did he?"哦等等,他说的不会和我猜的一样吧,不会吧
And Dr Dre said接下来Dr Dre说
....Nothing you e diots Dr Dre's dead, he's locked in my base ment 当然不一样,小傻瓜!Dr Dre早就没了!被我锁在地下室了
Feminist women love Eminem女权们喜欢我艾米纳姆
Chicka chicka chicka Slim Shady I'm sick of him谈论谈论谈论着阿姆,我讨厌他
look at him, walking around grabbing his you know what看看他 四处走动 抓着他的 你知道是什么
limpin' to you know who "yeah, but hes so cute though"吊儿郎当地走来,你知道是谁,是的,但是他挺可爱
Yea I probably got a couple of sc rews up in my head loose耶 可能我脑袋里的一对拧紧的螺丝松了
but no worse than what's going on in your parent's bedrooms但是没有你父母卧室里发生的事情糟糕
Sometimes I wanna get on TV and just let loose,有时候我想要上电视并且在上面随心所欲
but can't, but its cool for Tom Green to hump a dead moose但是不能,不过汤姆格林和驯鹿缠绵很酷
my bumm is on your lips, my bumm is on your lips我的尻尾在你唇边,我的尻尾在你唇边
and if I'm lucky you might just give it a little kiss如果我运气好,你可以亲它一小口
and that's the message that we deliver to little kids那就是我们想要灌输给小朋友的信息
and expect them not to know what a womens cli toris is.希望他们不要知道女人的构造是什么样子
Of course they gonna know what inter course is当然他们总会知道一些事情
by the time they hit 4th grade,等他们上四年级的时候就会知道
they got the discovery channel don't they?他们看探索频道,不是吗
We ain't nothing but mammals; well some of us canni balls我们只不过是哺乳动物,好吧,有的人是食族
who cut other people open like canta loupes.像切甜瓜一样把一切切开
But if we can hump dead animals and ante lopes但是如果我们可以和死掉的动物以及羚羊做些事
then there's no reason that a man and another man can't elope那么就没有理由不准一个男人和另一个男人私奔
But if you feel like I feel I got the antidote.但是如果你和我有一样的感受,我有个方法
Women wave your panty hos, sing the chorus and it goes...女士们挥动你们的连袜裤,唱着副歌,就这样
I'm Slim Shady我是阿姆
Yes I'm the real Shady是的,我是真正的阿姆
All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating所有你们其他的阿姆都是模仿我的
So won't the real Slim Shady...所以真正的阿姆
Please stand up, Please stand up, Please stand up请起立,请起立,请起立
becuase I'm Slim Shady因为我是阿姆
Yes I'm the real Shady是的,我是真正的阿姆
All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating所有你们其他的阿姆都是模仿我的
So won't the real Slim shady...所以真正的阿姆
Please stand up, Please stand up, Please stand up请起立,请起立,请起立
Will Smith don't gotta cuss in his raps to sell records威尔史密斯在饶舌歌里骂人,唱片才能卖出去
Well I do, so huck him and huck you too.所以我咒骂他也咒骂你们
You think I give a damm about a Grammy?你认为我重视格莱美
Half of you critics can't even stomach me, let alone stand me.你们这些乐评人有一半都受不了我,更别说支持我了
"But Slim what if u win wouldn't it be weird?"但是阿姆,如果你得了奖,难道不会很不可思议吗
Why? So you guys can just lie to get me here?为什么?你们这些家伙正好可以把我骗到这里
So you can sit me here next to Britney Spears.所以你们可以将我安排在小甜甜布兰妮旁边吗
****, Christina Aguilera better switch me chairs废话,克里斯蒂娜阿奎莱拉和我换位置更好
So I can sit next to Carson Daly and Fred Durst这样我就可以坐在和卡森戴利和佛瑞德达斯特旁边
And hear 'em argue over who she gave head to first.听他们争论她先将心交给谁
Little ***** put me on blast on MTV小可爱,在MTV上惹了我
"yeah he's cute but I think he's married to Kim, hehe"是的,他很可爱,但是我想他已经和金结婚了,呵呵
I should download her audio on mp3我应该把她的歌下载到MP3
And show the whole world how you gave Eminem V.D. (scream)然后向全世界展示你如何让阿姆染上隐疾(尖叫)
I'm sick of you little girl and boy groups all you do is annoy me我厌恶你们这些小女孩和男孩的团体,你们做的所有的事就是骚扰我
So I've been sent here to destroy you所以我被派到这来消灭你们
And theres a million of us just like me这里还有百万人像我一样
Who cuss like me像我一样地咒骂
Who just don't give a huck like me像我一样地不在乎
Who dress like me像我一样的穿衣
Walk, talk and act like me像我一样走路说话以及行动
It just might be the next best thing这可能是下一个最好的事
But not quite me但不是完全的我
I'm Slim Shady我是阿姆
Yes I'm the real Shady是的,我是真正的阿姆
All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating所有你们其他的阿姆都是模仿我的
So won't the real Slim Shady...所以真正的阿姆
Please stand up, Please stand up, Please stand up请起立,请起立,请起立
becuase I'm Slim Shady因为我是痞子阿姆
Yes I'm the real Shady是的,我是真正的阿姆
All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating所有你们其他的阿姆都是模仿我的
So won't the real Slim shady...所以真正的阿姆
Please stand up, Please stand up, Please stand up请起立,请起立,请起立
So will the real Shady, please stand up那么真正的阿姆请站起来
and put one of those fingures on each hand up然后双手高举中指
and to be proud to be outta your mind and outta control并且变得自豪,放弃思考,丧失理智
and one more time, loud as you can, how does it go?再一次大声的尽你所能,怎么唱
Cuz I'm Slim Shady因为我是阿姆
Yes I'm the real Shady是的,我是真正的阿姆
All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating所有你们其他的阿姆都是模仿我的
So won't the real Slim Shady...所以真正的阿姆
Please stand up, Please stand up, Please stand up请起立,请起立,请起立
becuase I'm Slim Shady因为我是阿姆
Yes I'm the real Shady是的,我是真正的阿姆
All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating所有你们其他的阿姆都是模仿我的
So won't the real Slim shady...所以真正的阿姆
Please stand up, Please stand up, Please stand up请起立,请起立,请起立
1.obese shady(翻自 slim shady)