Lord Finesse's Theme Song (Intro) - intro

Ladies and gentlemen,
introducing that bad mutha, that funky technician,
that slick brother with the fade and the half-moon,
ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Lord Finesse!
Throw your hands in the air, do something!
I don't care if you breakdance, do something!
The brother's in the house and he's dancing,
and the DJ Mike Smooth,
and they're gonna get crazy funky for y'all tonight
1.Lord Finesse's Theme Song (Intro) - intro
2.Baby, You Nasty
3.Funky Technician
4.Back to Back Rhyming
5.Here I Come
6.Slave to My Soundwave
7.I Keep the Crowd Listening
8.Bud Mutha
9.Keep It Flowing
10.Lesson to Be Taught
11.Just a Little Something
12.Strictly for the Ladies
13.Track the Movement