Church at Gaylor Creek

[Verse 1]
My favorite memories are some of my first
Like a Sunday night meetin' at an old country church
Sometimes my grandparents would come and take me
To an old country church house on Gaylor Creek
我们与邻居都是老相识了 在那儿的每一个人都是我们的朋友
[Verse 2]
还有牧师 他们就像寻常人一样劈砍木柴
We all knew our neighbors, everyone there was friends
我们接受清水的洗礼 连血液都被洗净
And the preacher worked the timber like all other men
我记不得那些有关金钱的世俗了 只是想起了许多爱的感动
We were baptized by water, we were washed in the blood
那座教堂是很久以前的了 经年累月我逐渐远去
I don't remember much money but recall lots of love
但在灯光下只要我还清醒 只要我还没有被眼前的一切花了眼
That church was a long time ago, I'm talkin' distance and years
I'm not for certain that I could even get there from here
这么多的酒吧 这么多的陌生人
But on nights when I'm sober and not blinded by all that I see
女人 威士忌 这么多的危险
My mind washes up at that church on Gaylor Creek
驶在高速路上放着“honky tonk”风格的乡村音乐 像是一匹脱缰了的野马
[Verse 3]
儿子 我已经看遍了周游世界一路上的灯红酒绿
So many barrooms, so many strangers
那座教堂是很久以前的 经年累月我逐渐远去
Women, whiskey, so many dangers
That old honky tonk highway, that's a wild horse to rope
但在灯光下只要我还清醒 只要我还没有被眼前的一切花了眼
Son, I've seen enough neon to circle the globe
That church was a long time ago, I'm talkin' distance and years
I'm not for certain that I could even get there from here
But on nights when I'm sober and not blinded by all that I see
My mind washes up at that church on Gaylor Creek
My mind washes up at that church on Gaylor Creek
1.No Words
3.Church at Gaylor Creek
4.No Guarantees
5.Hand Me Down
7.I'm Not the Devil
8.The Way I Am
9.She's All Mine
10.The Same
11.Give All You Can
12.Chase That Song
13.Heavy Load