Smitty the Kid:
Yeah yeah x3
Work hard, play hard, then work again. 努力工作使劲玩,然后再工作。
Your dreams are **** so bring them in 你的梦想很酷,所以带他们进来。
If you don't like it then just trade them in. 要是你不喜欢你的梦想,那就把它们交易。
Then race 'til you see the stars again 然后比赛直到你再次看到星星。
If we only live once, then let's begin. 如果我们只活一次,那么让我们开始吧。
Cuz I spent too long just wondering. 因为我花了太多时间只在沉思
No better life than what we are in. 没有比我们现在的生活更好的生活
And race 'till we see the stars again. 和比赛直到我们再次看到星星
I'm just out here floating away 我只是在这里漂走。
I'm up, up, up and away 向上,上,上和撤走
I won't come down, no way. 我不会下来,不会
And maybe I'm not the one to say 也许我不是那个可以说好的人。
Please don't waste time on me. 在我身上请不要浪费时间
Don't waste your time on me. 别我身上浪费时间
Someone Else :
Pass the whiskey 把威士忌递给我
Let's just enjoy the feelin'让我们只是享受的感觉。
I'm treating everyday of my life like it's the weekend 我每天都像对周末一样对待自己的生活。
No time for this stress 我每天都像对周末一样对待自己的生活。
But reality feels like dreamin'但现实感觉像是在做梦
They love to see me lose but hate to see me win 他们喜欢看到我输球,但很讨厌看到我赢球。
The story of my life so I keep my high-top shoes on 这是我生活的故事,所以我把我的高帮鞋上。
With a tank full of gas when I'm in my zone 当我在我的区域时,我保持一个装满油的**。
Keep a finger to the sky like I'm phoning home保持手指向天空,像我打电话回家。
Vibes on Pluto so you know I'm gone (I'm gone) 我的气氛在冥王星上,所以你知道我走了。 (我走了)
I think I'm way to high to pretend That I don't love the dark when it is creeping in 我觉得我太嗨假装我不喜欢黑暗的时候。
My momma callin' me to make sure I'm sleep again 我妈妈打电话给我,以确保我再次入睡。
Cuz she knows that her boys off his s*it again 因为她知道她的宝宝再次脱离他的狗*。
It's hard to be selfish 很难自私。
when you feel like yourself is the only gift you was left with 当你觉得自己是你剩下的唯一礼物。
But these dreams taste amazing 但是这些梦想令人惊叹。
When mixed right. That's nesquick 当混合权利。 这是nesquick
Rolling pixie sticks. Way out. 轧制Pixie Sticks. 出路
That's where my mind is. 这就是我的想法。
Smitty the Kid:
Work hard, play hard, then work again. 努力工作使劲玩,然后再工作。
Your dreams are **** so bring them in 你的梦想很酷,所以带他们进来。
If you don't like it then just trade them in. 要是你不喜欢你的梦想,那就把它们交易。
Then race 'til you see the stars again 然后比赛直到你再次看到星星。
If we only live once, then let's begin. 如果我们只活一次,那么让我们开始吧。
Cuz I spent too long just wondering. 因为我花了太多时间只在沉思
No better life than what we are in. 没有比我们现在的生活更好的生活
And race 'till we see the stars again. 和比赛直到我们再次看到星星。
I'm just out here floating away 我只是在这里漂走。
I'm up, up, up and away 向上,上,上和撤走
I won't come down, no way. 我不会下来,不会
And maybe I'm not the one to say 也许我不是那个可以说好的人。
Please don't waste time on me. 在我身上请不要浪费时间
Don't waste your time on me. 别我身上浪费时间
Yanglin Crazed:
One for the money and two for the show 一是为了钱,二是为了表演
My bro and I have money in our pockets 把钱揣进兜里 还有我的兄弟
Mischievous lady lady in the audience is clapping for me 台下淘气l女士为我拍着手
From strangers to new friends 从陌生人出发变成新朋友
I got I got a ** nobody can touch me我拥有**无法靠近的血液
Hustle money and ***** every day赚着钱和女人每天
hustle and play with my bro's on the side 一边赚钱 一边和我兄弟玩
Pouring champagne and beer on her stomach 我把香槟和啤酒灌进她的胃
Hey shawty welcome to my party 嘿!美女,欢迎来到我的派对
My party is wine, you can't drink enough我的派对都是酒你尽管喝个够
Through the pleasure of alcohol We found new friends通过酒精的快乐方式我们找到新朋友
Hey girl I feeling you need me 嘿!小姐姐,我感觉你需要我
I feeling you love me 我感觉你爱我
Smitty the Kid:
Work hard, play hard, then work again. 努力工作使劲玩,然后再工作。
Your dreams are **** so bring them in 你的梦想很酷,所以带他们进来。
If you don't like it then just trade them in. 要是你不喜欢你的梦想,那就把它们交易。
Then race 'til you see the stars again 然后比赛直到你再次看到星星。
If we only live once, then let's begin. 如果我们只活一次,那么让我们开始吧。
Cuz I spent too long just wondering. 因为我花了太多时间只在沉思
No better life than what we are in. 没有比我们现在的生活更好的生活
And race 'till we see the stars again. 和比赛直到我们再次看到星星。
I'm just out here floating away 我只是在这里漂走。
I'm up, up, up and away 向上,上,上和撤走
I won't come down, no way. 我不会下来,不会
And maybe I'm not the one to say 也许我不是那个可以说好的人。
Please don't waste time on me. 在我身上请不要浪费时间
Don't waste your time on me. 别我身上浪费时间
1.money on my mind
2.Float Away
3.whoop that trick(搞死ta!是的,搞死ta!)
7.Forever 2(永远remix)