It's good to see you again, Rosie
I know I've changed a lot since then
You're lookin' fine, babe
Three years that ain't long, Rosie
I still remember our song
When you were mine, babe
Times change, times change I know
But it sure moves slow
Down river when you're locked away
Why didn't you write, Rosie
I stayed awake most every night
Countin' my time babe
Oh no I ain't mad Rosie
I know you had to mind your dad
But just a line babe
Oh sure I remember then
we went off to school
Ain't that right
Well he ain't no fool
Nice seein' you again Rosie
Me I got things to do
Well good-bye babe, oh good bye
Times change, times change I know
But it sure moves slow
Down river when you're locked away
Times change, times change I know
But it sure moves slow
Down river when you're locked away
Times change, times change I know
But it sure moves slow
Down river when you're locked away
1.I Am the Walrus
2.The Wrong Time
3.Something to Say
4.Nobody There at All
5.Down River
6.Son of Your Father
7.The Last Puff
8.I Am The Walrus (Mono Single Version)