I Didn't See It Coming

Gone fishing, called an intermission
On account of being overcooked
Headswimming - the children and the women
Leave me stranded on my burning deck
One fine morning I woke to hear you calling
I couldn’t believe what I heard at all
I didn’t see it coming
Much later I’m your grand capitulator
Certain that I could be wrong
Head still spinning looking for an algorithm
To bring some sense to it all
You start singing along
With that rock’n’roll song
On you New York station
I didn’t see it coming
Don’t get me wrong
I wouldn’t change a single thing
It’s just that having been wrong so many many times
It’s hard to believe that I might get it right
I didn’t see it coming
And now I’m underneath the train
I didn’t see it coming
1.How Wrong Can You Be?
2.Travelling Light
4.The Young Idealists
5.Woman In A Bar
6.New York City Sunshine
8.Slip Away
9.I Didn't See It Coming
10.I Am Not Willing
11.Rolodex Incident