Itsy bitsy spider -elize
蜘蛛娇小可爱 围墙上翘首以待
by lanskey
切莫大意 小心她把你擒获
Itsy bitsy spider, waiting on the wall
我心烦意燥 痛不欲生 你矢口否认
You better watch out or she will have you caught
你鬼话连篇 正是她向你展开攻势之时
It is a constant strain, constant pain watching you deny
That her plans to catch you, starts when you tell lies
No matter how obvious you seem like you're blind
宝贝 不是乳臭未干的小毛孩了 你要明辨是非
Can't you feel problems that creep up from behind
你必须挣脱她给你系上的绳索 一切取决于你 而不是我
Baby, you are not a boy there are things that you should see
一切取决于你 而不是我
The strings she's tied you must cut loose, it's up to you not me,
蜘蛛小巧玲珑 可以飞檐走壁
It's up to you not me
你要步步为营 以防落入她的盘丝洞
Itsy bitsy spider climbing on the wall
Better watch your step or in her web you'll fall
宝贝 如果你就此沦陷 我们就一刀两段
Spin you round in circles in a net of doubt
Baby if you're stuck I'm done with you
你精力耗尽之余 她娇喘微微
Cause I won't get you out
你醒醒啊 她正一步步进击我们的爱巢
The way she's got you worked out she can't have no rest
我们深陷谎言的罗网 而你束手旁观
You must wake up she's crawling in our nest
You're hands are tied we are stuck in a web of lies
宝贝 相信你对这一切已心知肚明 但你处事如此幼稚
I think it's time we said our goodbyes
我亲手剪断我们的感情线 还你自由 你算什么男人
Baby, you act like a boy there are things I know you'll see
The strings we tied I cut you loose you're not a man to me,
蜘蛛小巧玲珑 她可以飞檐走壁
You're not a man to me
你要步步为营 以防落入她的盘丝洞
Itsy bitsy spider climbing on the wall
Better watch your step or in her web you'll fall
宝贝 如果你就此沦陷 我们就一刀两段
Spin you round in circles in a net of doubt
Baby if you're stuck I'm done with you
蜘蛛短小精悍 她超越了我的底线 让我告诉你
Cause I won't get you out
你会每天身陷囹圄 因为你是个软弱无能之徒
Itsy bitsy spider climbing all over my wall, I'm telling you
她在勾引你 你要学会适时拒绝
Everyday a new mess, cause you are so spineless
宝贝 当她设法说服你我是她闺蜜时
Denying when you can, she's trying to steel my man
Baby don't you know that it in the end
If she managed to convince you I'd rather be her best friend
蜘蛛小巧玲珑 可以飞檐走壁
You get it?
你要步步为营 以防落入她的盘丝洞
Itsy bitsy spider climbing on the wall
Better watch your step or in her web you'll fall
宝贝 如果你就此沦陷 我们就一刀两段
Spin you round in circles in a net of doubt
Baby if you're stuck I'm done with you
蜘蛛小巧玲珑 可以飞檐走壁
Cause I won't get you out
你要步步为营 以防落入她的盘丝洞
Itsy bitsy spider climbing on the wall
Better watch your step or in her web you'll fall
宝贝 如果你就此沦陷 我们就一刀两段
Spin you round in circles in a net of doubt
Baby if you're stuck I'm done with you
Cause I won't get you out
1.No Good to Me
2.Itsy Bitsy Spider