The look of love is in your eyes a look your heart can't disguise
爱的模样在你的眼中 那是你的内心所无法掩饰的
The look of love is saying so much more than just words could every say
爱的模样默默地倾诉衷肠 却胜过千言万语
And what my heart has heard well it takes my breath away
与我的心所听见的回响 它的美令我窒息
I can hardly wait to hold you feel my arms around you
我等不及要将你搂入怀中 紧紧拥抱着你
How long I have waited, waited just to love you
我等待了如此之久 就是只为了爱你
Now that I have found you
You've got the look of love it's on your face
你让我见到了爱的模样 它就在你的脸上
A look that time can't erase
Be mine tonight let this be just the start of so many nights like this
今夜请让我将你拥有 我们夜夜如此 这将是一切美好的开始
Let's take a lovers vow and seal it with a kiss
让我们一起许下爱的誓言 再用一个吻来将它深深封存
I can hardly wait to hold you feel my arms around you
我等不及要将你搂入怀中 紧紧拥抱着你
How long I have waited, waited just to love you
我等待了如此之久 就是只为了爱你
Now that I have found you don't ever go
如今我找到了我的唯一 永远不要分离
I can hardly wait to hold you feel my arms around you
我等不及要将你搂入怀中 紧紧拥抱着你
How long I have waited, waited just to love you
我等待了如此之久 就是只为了爱你
Now that I have found you don't ever go
如今我找到了我的唯一 永远不要分离
Don't ever go, I love you so
永远不要分离 我是如此爱你
1.Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
2.Where Is The Love
3.The Look Of Love
4.No Matter What
5.Senza Una Donna (English Version)