40 people or more - tied to hands and feet awaiting strangulation - darkening deceit rope around the neck - eyes falling out slow extreme asphyxiation - blackened murder flow your eyes start to spray, panic in dismay deathwish appearing fast insanity supreme, praying to be free guts explode in a blast gasping for breath as you faint into death black hallucinations and shadows ahead severed and maimed, body is drained swarming of flies round the dead bodies split in five - bodies float in carnage mass strangulation hysteric conjuration macabre infestation worship defecation soul evisceration death hallucination malignant humiliation ritualistic suffocation
1.So You Die
2.Ways To The Grave
3.Buried By The Dead
4.Mass Strangulation
5.Like Fire
6.Cry My Name
7.Death Delirium
8.The Soulcollector
9.Bathe In Blood
10.Trail Of Insects