Suite. Symphony No. 14 Morgenen The Morning: Da trætte staar op til Livet Weary They Rise to Life

1.Symphony No. 4 Løvfald Leaf-fall
2.Sfærernes Musik The Music of the Spheres
3.Symphony No. 10 Hin Tordenbolig Yon Dwelling of Thunder
4.Suite. Symphony No. 14 Morgenen The Morning: Indledningsfanfare Opening Fanfare
5.Suite. Symphony No. 14 Morgenen The Morning: Upaaagtede Morgenstjerner Morning Stars Unnoticed
6.Suite. Symphony No. 14 Morgenen The Morning: Marmorkirken ringer the Bells of the 'Marble Church'
7.Suite. Symphony No. 14 Morgenen The Morning: Da trætte staar op til Livet Weary They Rise to Life
8.Suite. Symphony No. 14 Morgenen The Morning: Radio-Caruso og Tvangsenergi Wireless Caruso and Compulsive Energy
9.Suite. Symphony No. 14 Morgenen The Morning: "farmænd" farer til Kontoret 'Daddies Dashing off to the Office'
10.Symphony No. 6 Det Himmelrivende The Heaven-storming