Chorale: Now Thank We All Our God

1.Selections from the Little Music Book For Anna Magdalena Bach:March in D
2.Selections from the Little Music Book For Anna Magdalena Bach:Polonaise in G minor
3.Selections from the Little Music Book For Anna Magdalena Bach:Minuet in G Major
4.Selections from the Little Music Book For Anna Magdalena Bach:Minuet in G minor
5.Selections from the Little Music Book For Anna Magdalena Bach:Minuet in G Major
6.Selections from the Little Music Book For Anna Magdalena Bach:Musette in D Major
7.Selections from the Little Music Book For Anna Magdalena Bach:Polonaise in G minor
8.Selections from the Little Music Book For Anna Magdalena Bach:Minuet in D minor
9.Selections from the Little Music Book For Anna Magdalena Bach:Polonaise in G Major
10.Selections from the Little Music Book For Anna Magdalena Bach:Minuet "fait par Mons. Bohm"
11.Selections from the Little Music Book For Anna Magdalena Bach:March in G Major
12.Aria: "Be Thou But Near"
13.Chorale: "How Content Am I"
14.Chorale: "Deal with Me, Lord, As Thou Will"
15.Gigue from the Little Clavier Book For Wilhelm Friedemann Bach
16.Movement From Cantata No. 79: God, The Father, Is the Sun and Shield
17.Chorale: Now Thank We All Our God
18.Aria From The Birthday Cantata #208: Sheep May Safely Graze
19.Chorale Prelude For Organ: Sleepers Awake! A Voice is Calling!
20.Chorale: Glory Now to Thee Be Given
21.Sinfonia (Arioso) From Cantata #156: I Stand at the Threshold
22.Chorale Prelude For Organ: A Mighty A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
23.Chorale: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
24.Chorale Setting From Cantata #147: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring