Medgar Evers: A Love-Voice of a Thousand Years' Journey for Liberty and Justice

2.Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott, 381 Days
3.Martin Luther King, Jr.: Memphis, the Prophecy
4.America, Pts. 1, 2 & 3
5.John F. Kennedy's New Frontier and the Space Age, 1960
6.Dred Scott, 1857
7.Emmett Till: Defiant, Fearless
8.Thurgood Marshall and Brown vs. Board of Education: A Dream of Equal Education, 1954
9.Malik Al Shabazz and the People of the Shahada
10.Freedom Summer: Voter Registration, Acts of Compassion and Empowerment, 1964
11.Black Church
12.Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society and the Civil Rights Act of 1964
13.The Freedom Riders Ride
14.Medgar Evers: A Love-Voice of a Thousand Years' Journey for Liberty and Justice
15.The D.C. Wall: A War Memorial for All Times
16.Buzzsaw: The Myth of a Free Press
17.The Little Rock Nine: A Force for Desegregation in Education, 1957
18.Fannie Lou Hamer and the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, 1964
19.September 11th, 2001: A Memorial